President Bush's Service Dog Sully Returns To Duty
WASHINGTON —Sully H.W. Bush, the former service dog to late President George H.W. Bush, has started a new job with the US Navy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center outside Washington.
During a ceremony streamed live on Facebook Wednesday, the yellow Labrador was appointed to the rank of hospital corpsman second class.
“Your appointment as a petty officer in the United States Navy makes you heir to a long and proud tradition of naval leadership,” said a Navy spokesman at the Bethesda, Maryland, ceremony. The dog then was outfitted with a new “military uniform” — a vest representing the medical center’s dog team.
Sully joins the medical center’s facility dog program. His duties will include reducing stress and increasing well-being among patients and staff. Sully was assigned to President Bush through a request on his behalf after the passing of former First Lady Barbara Bush.
It’s about time we got some good news from Washington
And rightfully so because Dogs Are Awesome. That’s a 4-seam fastball of truth right down broadway. Give me a random dog over a random human being 10 out of 10 times. The percentage of dogs that are awesome compared to the percentage of people is actually overwhelming. I’m still waiting for our stats & information team to confirm but I think it’s something like 99% dogs to 6% people.
Anyways, my favorite part of Sully returning to action is that he took a personalized oath of enlistment. Seriously:
Do you affirm or pant as a hospital corpsman in the United States Navy that you will support, comfort and cure warriors and their families, active duty and retired?
Trained by America’s VetDogs to be a service, therapy and guide dog, Sully is capable of doing a number of tasks, from answering phones to turning lights on and off.
The Packers suck but that’s awesome. Go dogs. Go Sully.